Our Tamper Evident Security Labels can be combined with:
- Sequential / Unique Numbering
- UV Inks
- Hologram
to give you a powerful anti-theft and anti counterfeit Solution.

Anyone who has a Smartphone can simply go to certieye.com or download the CertiEye app to authenticate CertiEye security mark anywhere, anytime. Thanks to the highly optimized algorithms and the high speed of smartphone processors & networks, the authentication results can be obtained within a few seconds, assuring the end consumer that the products they are about to purchase is either the genuine article or a 'fake'!

The CertiEye platform is a concise and easy to use system that provides a high level of analytics data resulting from your customers’ scans. Information from a specific mark, such as the time of scanning, scanning device, device platform, scanning location and even user demographics can be accessed by the brand owner anytime and anywhere through the use of a standard web browser. This information can be used to make strategic business decisions based upon your customers’ scanning behaviour (i.e. the demographics of your customer) or as a tool for directly targeting a specific market segment during your next marketing campaign.
All scans of a CertiEye mark, whether by brand protection officers in the field, local authorities or the end user browsing in the local shopping mall are registered on the CertiEye platform. Brand protection officers can access the data on demand and can produce reports that allow in depth analysis. These reports give up to date field intelligence allowing for the efficient allocation of resources on known areas of concern.
CertiEye scans can also be setup to trigger email alerts so that brand protection teams are notified in real time when product is detected out of region or when clusters of counterfeit scans are reported. The alerts give time, location, product information and supply chain details so that agents can act quickly.
As the CertiEye code can be scanned by anyone with a smartphone, wholesalers can be encouraged to scan incoming product giving them no excuse to accept counterfeit merchandise. With CertiEye, anyone in the supply chain can check the authenticity of the goods quickly and inexpensively.

In recent years, sales in the e-commerce and online trading sector have experienced rapid growth. Whilst sales of authentic products have increased, we have unfortunately also seen a surge in the sale of counterfeit products and other illicit trade.
CertiEye’s e-commerce website tracking platform makes the task of detecting online counterfeit products easy. No longer will a brand protection team need to spend hours trawling through each individual website, as CertiEye’s web based platform will do all the hard work within minutes.
The analysis of customer feedback in relation to a brand and its products, both positive and negative, is crucial to any company when making strategic decisions. Traditionally, many companies have invested a lot of money conducting various forms of outbound market research or by going online to check and analyze customer discussions in various social media websites and forums. Analyzing customer feedback in this manner can take a lot of time and is often ineffective due to the speed of which comments are posted within the social media space.
CertiEye’s social media monitoring platform removes the need to manually surf through each individual social media website. A brand owner can now quickly and inexpensively obtain a real time summary of comments and posts about the reactions towards the brand and/or its product range, promotions etc.

CertiEye can assist brand owners to create a closer connection with their customers by diverting them away from traditional forms of printed media towards more modern digital and online forms of advertising. For example, our products can direct customers to the brand owner’s e-commerce website to encourage additional online sales or repeat orders. Alternatively the customer can be forwarded to an aftermarket product warranty registration page to verify the consumers’ identity and simplify the warranty registration process. The brand owner will have full control over the webpage that their loyal customers will be forwarded to after scanning the mark and will in turn have the ability to broaden the scope of the future digital marketing campaigns they adopt. Furthermore, our team of experienced digital marketing professionals will be available to provide advice and to deliver more customized creative marketing campaigns fully relevant to the overall branding objectives.
CertiEye is also a customizable campaign management platform that allows brand owners to select targeted customers for promotions based on their scanning and web page viewing behavior. The selection criteria include user location, mark ID, visited web page, duration and date. After selecting the targeted customers or prospects, brand owners can either send direct push notifications or can display targeted Facebook advertisements to their customers. These strategies can greatly optimize a brands online promotion and can greatly assist to increase the intended online goal conversions.